@extends('layouts.app') @section('title', 'Landmark') @viteReactRefresh @vite('resources/js/bookingEditFormModule.jsx') @vite('resources/js/addToCalendarButton.jsx') @section('scripts') @endsection @section('content')
Back to Bookings
@if(session()->has('message')) @endif @error('message') @enderror @if(isset($bookingData))

{{ $bookingData['customer_reference'] }}

Resource Image

{{ $bookingData['space_type'] }} Add to Calendar


{{ $bookingData['resource']['name'] }}
@if($bookingData['api_booking']) Get directions @endif

Reservation ID: {{ $bookingData['reservation_name'] }}

Date: {{ $bookingData['date'] }}
Duration: {{ $bookingData['duration'] }}

Number of guests: {{ $bookingData['attendees'] }}

Guest Details
@if($bookingData['delegates_list']) {{ $bookingData['delegates_list'] }} @else No guest details provided yet. Please provide them before booking date @endif

@if ($hasVideoConferencing)

Video conference requirements:
@if ($bookingData['video_conferencing_notes']) {{ $bookingData['video_conferencing_notes'] }} @else No video Conferencing requirements provided yet. Please provide them before booking date @endif

@endif @unless (empty($bookingData['additional_comments']))

Additional comments:
{{ $bookingData['additional_comments'] }}


Booking made by: {{ $bookingData['contact_name'] }}
On: {{ $bookingData['created_date'] }}

@if($bookingData['start_date'] > date('Y-m-d H:i:sZ') && $canDelete) @if($bookingData['status'] === 'Confirmed' && $bookingData['api_booking']) Cancel booking @elseif( isset( $bookingData['space_type']) && $bookingData['space_type'] === 'Coworking' && $bookingData['status'] !== 'Cancelled' && $bookingData['start_date'] > date('Y-m-d') ) Cancel booking @else

{{ $bookingData['status'] }}

@endif @endif @if(session('user_data')['permission'] === 'Billing Administrator') Edit booking @elseif(!$bookingData['api_booking']) Edit booking @elseif($bookingData['status'] === 'Cancelled' || $bookingData['status'] === 'Cancelled with Fee') Edit booking @elseif(strtotime($bookingData['start_date']) < strtotime('now')) Edit booking @elseif(!$canEdit) Edit booking @else Edit booking @endif


Should you wish to add any of our delicious catering options, or if you have any other requests, we will be more than happy to assist you.

@if($bookingData['api_booking']) {{ $bookingData['phone'] }}
{{ $bookingData['email'] }} @else 02039937170
enquiries@landmarkspace.co.uk @endif